Sunday, January 8, 2012


A brief update on the craziness that's going to be going on around here.  Andros brother and his girlfriend living here to.  Well long story short they were pregnant, had the baby and brought her home yesterday.  According to the two of them they are going with adoption, they have the family picked out and everything.  But instead of the having the child placed in foster care of 3 weeks until all the legal stuff is taken care of, they decided to bring her home...i don't think they've realized just how much harder they've made this, for everyone.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

No sleep=disaster

Usually I'm able to do everything I need to do during the day without whoopsie moments. Well last night I crawled into bed around 1:30 am and woke up at 5 am to give Khloe her morning bottle.  Usely she'll go back to sleep for another 2-3 hrs but this morning she decided to stay wake and stand up in her crib blowing raspberries at me and Andro.
 I decided to make some breakfast for her and I. While making eggs I burned my hand because I grabbed the metal part of pan...(whoopees) I had to run to town to pick up some Oxy Clean, while in town I missed a left turn I needed to take twice...(whoopees) When I got home I had to clean our little living area, but first I emptied the vacuum cleaner.  After dusting and pick up all of Khloes toys, I decided to vacuum, without the attaching the bin...(whoopees) Then after Khloe had a bath and had her PJs on I realized, no diaper...(whoopees)  Its been a long day and I guess I'll be going to bed early tonight.
After a very long day...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Meet the family

This is my boyfriend Andro and our 8 month old baby girl Khloe.  While the three of us are living with Andros' parents, they took time out of their summer to turn their garage into a little apartment for the 3 of us.  It's not much but being young parents we're grateful for what we do have.  Our future is completely uncertain, but we are doing our best to move forward one step at a time.  We both know what we want, but unfortunately like many families we don't have the finances to get us where we want to be, so for the time being we are looking into opportunities that can help us achieve our goal of having a secure future or ourselves and for our daughter.